Are you a start-up? Here’s how we can help you:

  • Cash Flow Management: Your company can’t survive, much less thrive, unless you have positive cash flow.  AEC will help you implement solutions to get you happily swimming in free cash-flow!
  • Organizational Structure: Operating a business without a formal organizational structure is like having your company be raised by wolves. And yet many start-up partnerships collapse because they are unwilling to assign responsibilities and hold themselves accountable for success. AEC helps you sort out what you have, where you need additional resources, and how to have everyone work together as a functional, productive team.
  • Market strategy: Good products actually don’t sell themselves, even when there is a huge demand for them.  AEC helps you target your messaging and deliver it to the right audiences.  
  • Capital Raising: Essentially every start-up is in search of more capital, but precious few are poised to receive it, much less invest it correctly.  AEC will help you determine your capital needs and your best sources for attracting outside investment and grants.  We will also get you so well organized that you will make the best possible investment decisions and have a brilliant Return on Investment (ROI).